Courses & More
Ready to make a career transition but don't know where to start?
Download your free guide. You'll learn how to appreciate and leverage your career so far and gain new clarity, uncover your value and learn elevated thought management so you can connect the dots to what's next!
Ace every interview in the process.
Great interviews connect the dots. It's your chance to showcase your skills and paint a clear picture of you in the role. Learn how to enter every interview with ease, certainty and confidence. Turn those conversations into offers!
Ever wish you could have someone look at your LinkedIn profile and tell you how to fix it?
This is your chance to get my eyeballs on your profile and tell you exactly what I would do in order to help you figure out what's in, out, or not optimized the best way so you can attract more relevant people to your profile, help them see how awesome you are, and open doors to more job opportunities!
Create a resume that opens doors.
Learn what an ATS is and is NOT and best practices for creating a compelling resume. Plus, templates for multiple career levels. Stop stressing over ATS. It's not eliminating you. Create a resume for the people on the other side!