Freebies :: Just For You :)

Ace your next interview.

Great interviews connect the dots. It's your chance to showcase your skills and paint a clear picture of you in the role. Learn how to enter every interview with ease, certainty and confidence. Ace your next interview and turn those conversations into offers!

90-Minute Course

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Feel good at work again.

I've been in your shoes. Here's what I know. Your toxic co-workers, boss or workplace doesn't have to take you out. Learn how to survive and thrive by regaining your confidence, manage the situations, and seeing your options.

Webinar & Workook

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Your resume will open doors.

You'll learn what an ATS is and is NOT and best practices for creating a compelling career story on your resume. Plus, resume templates for multiple career levels. Stop stressing over ATS - it's not eliminating  you. Create a resume for the people on the other side!

Mini Course

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Love Your Work Life Podcast 

The Love Your Work Life Podcast is your go-to resource to help you make the most of your career. Whether you started listening for a job search or you're wondering what's next, you'll find that these episodes will help you take control of your career once and for all.

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